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Philip Bridge

Writer: Lee MatthewsLee Matthews

1-If you could only have three individual toppings on pizza for the rest of your life, what would they be?

I actually love a basic cheese pizza (Blame kevin mccallister), but if I was gunna have 3 toppings I'd say sausage (the cheap stuff like little hotdogs, jalapeños and maybe a bit of onion?.

2- First Jersey? If you don't have one, what will it be

Big Ben and as that was my first ever jersey all those years ago, I'll be wearing that when I finally follow my dream and see the Steelers in Pittsburgh Vs Chargers. Ben has been and always probably will be my favourite Steeler and to wear that jersey at my first Steelers game in Pittsburgh (I saw them in London) just seems like full circle somehow.

3- Favourite all time non Steelers player?

I'm just a QB Guy I really enjoyed watching Payton Manning back in the day

4- You're in a bar. What's your poison?

Anything haha. I do like a good bourbon and coke with ice when in a bar along with a lovely IPA or Stout but at home I love a lovely dram of Scotch (especially when chilling round an open fire in the middle of a field camping, nothing better than that.

5- Favourite Steelers play?

There's been so many amazing plays over the years but for me nothing compares to the immaculate Extention on christmas day 2016. That was pure joy, pure pure joy. I think I exploded when AB managed to get over the line and everyone on the street knew about it.

6- You know when you're really sad, like when Matt Canada still hadn't been fired? Do you have a happy song to cheer you up?

Led Zeppelin Dazed and Confused, that Jimmy Page Solo is gorgeous

7- Player you hated seeing leave the Steelers?

His attitude aside and ultimately i was glad he left due to the locker room disruption but AB. When he left it hurt as he was the best in the business.

8- Best TV show theme tune ever?

Turtles (original series in the late 80's) that was proper mint!!!

9- Favourite Steelers game ever?

Christmas day 2016 there's many reasons for this but I think the biggest thing was I just needed at win at that time both with the Steelers and in life and the Steelers came through. I needed that.

PB- You have a hangover, not the head in the toilet kind but the sitting on the sofa and not moving kind. What's your go to hangover cure?

I love a good chocolate milkshake and maybe some chicken, fried chicken but not picky type chicken with bones in as im hungover (i do like bones though but im dying here and its too much effort) , the No messing arrived sort like tenders or something, or maybe some crisps or chocolate, or a curry or something spicy, as a take away obviously as I'm hungover, or even pizza, perhaps a cheese pizza. I'll eat anything when I'm dead on the couch

11- Noll, Cowher or Tomlin?

This is difficult but I'd say Tomlin, he just needs to really win another superbowl though. (Cough cough Feb 2025) I think he won't be regarded as a truly great coach u til he gets another Superbowl athough he is already a first ballot HOF coach when the time comes.

12- Apart from NFL, do you follow others sports and if so, what teams?

Oldham Athletic, dog awful, absolute bile but I support the team that's in my own town (I'm not a Man U fan ). It can be painful, very very painful watching Oldham but I watch it with my son so in that respect it's priceless as its something we do together. It really is painful when the Steelers and Oldham are having a bad stretch at the same time because I'm just thinking at that time why can't I just like a half decent team hahaha but I wouldn't change it. Its also amusing when abroad and you're in a taxi somewhere and attempting to speak to the taxi driver and he asks where you from ....i always say Manchester as easier. In broken English they always say "aaahhh are you a United or City?" I always say "none mate im Oldham". They are always mega confused haha. In my opinion You gotta step in dog shit before jumping in a lovely heated pool. I also don't mind F1 and follow mclaren but do have a soft spot for Williams. Senna is the greatest racing driver ever.

13- You can watch one film for the first time again, what do you watch?

Jurassic Park. Nothing will beat watching that as a kid in the cinema. Jaw was on the floor. Still one of my all time favourite films. The effects for the time, the soundtrack, dinosaurs. Amazing

14- Favourite Steelers uniform and favourite non Steelers?

The Home jersey is a stone cold classic but do have a soft spot for the colour rush. Non Steelers uniform is Saints Home Jersey

15- Tea or Coffee

Coffee black please son no sugar as I'm sweet enough.

16- Show me how old you are. What was your favourite cartoon as a kid?

Either He-Man or Turtles

17- Favourite Steelers player, current and former?

Big Ben 100% is my all time great it's not even close, current favourite is difficult haha but I'd probably say either Watt or Fitzpatrick (hopefully he will be utilised better on 2024)

18- You've died and have to play the Grim Reaper at a game to be allowed back to the land of the living (ala Bill & Ted) what game do you pick?

ooohh good question. Rock paper scissors. Or the Turtles arcade game from 1989. Or the original mortal Kombat (but I'm Raiden)

19- If someone narrated your life who would it be?

Arnold Schwarzenegger as it would just be mint.

20. Favourite draft pick for the steelers this year?

For years I've been screaming at the Steelers to strengthen the OL. Last year we got Brodrick Jones and this year Troy Fautanu. I'm really happy with this. I've always maintained we're only a few pieces missing from becoming a really good (superbowl) team and this could be the difference. I've really liked the changes Khan has made over the last couple years. It's nice to be aggressive.

21- Current non steelers player you want on the team


22- You order a kebab. Pitta or Naan?

NANN all the way. ( NO Salad, extra hot sauce and a tub of hot sauce on the side) we ain't eating a kebab for health food pal, get that stuff In my belly.

23- What do you do for a living?

Account Manager

24- Favourite holiday? Donyou go all out for Haloween or do you have a jumper for each of the 12 days of christmas?

Christmas all the way for me, love the build up, bit of time off with kids and watching a bit of sport. It's also acceptable to have a beer a bit earlier

25- On a scale of 1-10 what consistency do you have your gravy?

I like it thick but not tar so I'd say a solid 8. If you like tar, you are a bloody animal and for those that have a 1, just run your food under the tap.

26- Why did you pick the Steelers?

I watched a game in 2012 Vs Titans in Florida, Steelers lost but I just got hooked, me and my late wife at the time were hammered cheering them on in Millers Ale house whilst an American was trying without success to let us know what was actually going on. When we got home my late wife with the power of the Internet wrote out about 3 pages of A4 of the rules of the NFL for me and we learnt everything about the Steelers and the NFL (Im still learning!!!) . As an additonal bonus we were mega chuffed to learn that Pittsburgh is the 'City of Bridges'. It's like a calling card for me. The Steelers are more than just a football team for me. It's a very personal relationship. I didn't follow them for the glory as it was after my time, I've not supported the Steelers when they have won a superbowl but I have no doubt that it will come eventually. This trip for me to Pittsburgh (September 24) is full circle for me. It will be really emotional for so many reasons.

27- What do you have with your fish and chips? Peas, curry or gravy?

I'm not a fish fan generally but if I must it's a number 8 gravy

28- If you could go back in time and watch one live band that you never got chance to see who would it be?


29- Favourite Head Coach in the NFL who isn't Tomlin?

In some controversial way I've always liked John Harbaugh. I don't like any coach that's not the Steelers but I respect John Harbaugh because he respects the Steelers Ravens rivalry which is the best in the NFL.

30- Desert Island discs. You can only take one album, one book and one film with you. What are they?

Film is Jurassic Park it has everything. Book is Mario Puzo's the Godfather. It's perfect in every way. Album is impossible to say, there's just so many I can't choose. Probably Nirvana In Utero but Aerosmith's Toys in the Attic is mint as is Led Zeppelin 4 or Pantera far beyond Driven or Stevie Ray Vaughan In Step or Guns n Roses Appetite for Destruction or Metallica Ride the Lightning. I need a suitcase as I can't pick!!!


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