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Lee Matthews

Writer: Laura CaseyLaura Casey

Up next is our very own resident admin, Lee.

Lee hails from Stoke and no matter what he tells you, Robbie Williams is his king. Lee keeps us all honest and injects a healthy dose of realism to the group, reminding us how questionable our food and general life choices are (to be fair, he’s never wrong). The first of us to ride into debate and will die on a hill before changing his opinion whilst dishing out the very best music, film and TV recommendations.

Let’s see what our resident tache wielding, unicorn riding die-hard has to say to say in his quick fire responses…


1- If you could only have three individual toppings on pizza for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Pepperoni, Jalapeno, spicy beef

2- First Jersey? If you don't have one, what will it be

Twas a Big Ben home Jersey from his sophomore year

3- Favourite all time non Steelers player?

Barry Sanders

4- You're in a bar. What's your poison?

Any decent cask beer. If not its Guinness

5- Favourite Steelers play?

The extension

6- A song that makes you sing loudly?

Kingdom by Devin Townsend

7- Player you hated seeing leave the Steelers?


8- Best TV show ever?

The West Wing

9- Favourite Steelers game from the past five years?

Ravens Steelers December 2020

10- What items do you have in a fry up?

Bacon, sausage, fried egg, toast and tinned chopped tomatoes with melted cheese on top. Black pudding if I'm feeling fancy

11- Noll, Cowher or Tomlin?

Anyone who knows me knows who I'd choose and frankly I'm a bit offended and whoever wrote these questions should try to do better. Its Cowher of course

12- Apart from NFL, do you follow others sports and if so, what teams?

Zero sports. I have but one loyalty

13- Is Die Hard a Christmas movie?

Set over christmas and is about a man attempting to reunite with his estranged wife and spend xmas day with her and his kids. Got everything a christmas movie requires and more

14- Favourite Steelers uniform and favourite non Steelers?

Colour rush. Obviously. I am partial to the awful Seahawks neon strip. Team wears that it shows they have no fear

15- Tea or Coffee

Tea. Yorkshire or Earl Grey

16- Show me how old you are. What was your favourite cartoon as a kid?

OG Transformers

17- Favourite Steelers player, current and former?

Current. Warren. Former. Troy

18- Which is your favourite, defense or offense?


19- If someone narrated your life who would it be?

Christopher Walken

20. Favourite draft pick for the steelers this year?

Darnell Washington

21- Current non steelers player you want on the team


22- You order a kebab. Pitta or Naan?

Naan. Like a normal person. If I'm feeling fancy it will be a chilli cheese keemaa naan

23- What do you do for a living?

Vehicle breakdown and recovery control centre

24- You've been out for a meal, do you have cake or the cheese board?

Cheeseboard all the way

25- On a scale of 1-10 what consistency do you have your gravy?


26- Why did you pick the Steelers?

Needed a team, liked the uniform colours and dad's mate had a Steelers cap. And here I still am 32 years later

27- Does chocolate belong in the fridge?


28- If you could go back in time and watch one live band that you never got chance to see who would it be?


29- Favourite Head Coach in the NFL who isn't Tomlin?

Dan Campbell

30- Desert Island discs. You can only take one album, one book and one film with you. What are they?

Alice in Chains- Dirt / Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett / Everything Everywhere All At Once


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